
Hope, Wellness, and Recovery for all looks different from person to person. What kind of service might help you to live your best life? Get connected today.

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line serves young people in any type of crisis, providing them access to free, 24/7, emotional support and information they need via the medium they already use and trust: text messaging.

First Stark County

First Stark County

In collaboration with Northeast Ohio Medical University’s Best Practices in Schizophrenia Treatment (BeST) Center and Coleman Behavioral Health, Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery is funding in-part FIRST Stark County, an innovative research and treatment program for individuals who have had a first episode of a psychotic illness.

Recovery is Beautiful

Recovery is Beautiful

Recovery is Beautiful, the Recovery-Oriented System of Care blueprint, will promote good health through prevention and wellness programs, as well as provide crisis intervention, treatment and recovery support when individuals experience a mental health or substance abuse problem.

Addiction Help

Addiction Help

It is estimated that over 1.1 million or 1 in 10 Ohioans are addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs. Contrary to popular belief, addiction is NOT a moral or character defect – in fact, it is a complex brain disease.

Safe Home Tips & Resources

Safe Home Tips & Resources

Protecting your family involves more than keeping them safe from an accident or attack. It also involves being aware of the warning signs of substance abuse and suicide; you cannot remove all risk from your home, but you can make it safer.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Seeking help is a sign of strength. Counselors are available 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days a year. We all have a role to play in preventing suicide.

Children & Youth

Children & Youth

Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery (StarkMHAR) is committed to helping children, youth and young adults grow into happy healthy adults by providing a variety of services that are culturally competent, developmentally appropriate and accessible in a variety of settings.

Stress Management Tips & Resources

Stress Management Tips & Resources

If you believe you are experiencing chronic stress, contact a behavioral health professional to help you with a plan to address prolonged symptoms of stress.

Workplace Resources

Workplace Resources

View resources for mental health, drug use & suicide prevention in the workplace.

Legalization of Marijuana in Ohio

Men’s Mental Health

Men tend to have a more difficult time openly speaking about their mental health than women do. Use these mental health resources for men to learn how to communicate what you are feeling about your mental state.

Drug Dropoff Locations

Drug Dropoff Locations

In partnership with the Stark County Sheriff’s Office, Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery has more than a dozen permanent drug collection boxes located at police departments across the county. These boxes are free of charge.



Learn more about gambling prevention in Ohio, problem gambling warning signs, and find helpful resources.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-Informed Care

This valuable overview of trauma-informed care features training, standards, and resources.

Traumatic Event Resources

Traumatic Event Resources

Whether it be from natural disasters, war, crime, or something else, different traumatic events and violence require different responses.

Opiate Overdose Prevention

Opiate Overdose Prevention

Learn who is at risk of overdose, the signs of an overdose, and how you can be prepared to help save a life.