988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Dialing “988” will connect you 24/7 to compassionate care and support for mental health-related distress. Save 988 in your contacts or chat online.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Logo

What is 988?

988 was created to make it easier to remember how to get help in the event of a mental health or addiction crisis.

Does 988 replace 330-452-6000?

988 simply makes it easier to reach people who can help, because it’s a short, easy-to-remember number. In Stark County, dialing 988 or calling 330-452-6000 will result in the same help from the same people. Use the number easiest for you.

Does 988 replace 911?

No. Still call 911 in any situation where emergency medical, fire, or police help is needed.

Additional Information


988 vs 911

988 Factsheet

988 Factsheet (Spanish)

Looking for additional resources and materials?

Contact us for additional materials.